Sunday, May 20, 2007

Jay and Cindys Wedding, May 19/2007

Here is Lily and Daddy at the Church. Lily slept through the whole service, and looked beautiful in her frou frou dress.

Here is Cindy, escorted down the aisle by her uncle Trevor.

The new Mr. & Mrs. Kettle. Sorry for cutting off your head Cindy! Jay told me I had to hurry and I don't do my best work under pressure.

Jaxon and I getting ready for dinner at the hall. What a flirt, blowing kisses!

In order for Jay and Cindy to kiss you had to hula hoop. Here is Aunt Ev showing everyone how its done!

Aunt Helen and Uncle Cliff.

The 'Hartwick' cousins. Jenn, Rob, Julie, Jay and Sara.

Harvey bugging Riley.

The end of the night...a lot of food, a lot of drinks, a lot of fun and most importantly, a lot of Love. Congratulations Jay and Cindy! We are so happy for you!


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