Saturday, March 3, 2007

Fun Day at Colosantis Part 2

My dad helped me to pet this baby goat. It was almost as big as me!

Then I got to ride a bigger goat. It was so fun! Thanks for the help Dad!

The goats sure liked my friend Jayden!

Here is my friend Jayden talking to a really cool bird. It could say "Hello".

We sure had a good time at Colosantis today. I saw so many animals. I saw birds and goats and alligators and crocodiles. I even saw a leemur, it was black and white. Thanks Aunt Jenn, Uncle Todd and Jayden for coming with us to celebrate my half birthday. Maybe next time I could chase the animals around like Jayden did. It looked like fun. I can't wait for my next adventure. Stay tuned!

Fun day with my friend at Colosanti's

Jayden and I are having fun with our dads. My dad and I forgot to look.